Saturday, September 21, 2013

Competitive Audits

Water Aid

Their Brand: Water, clean, crisp, simple, organized, universal
Audience: Donors, volunteers, the public from around the U.S.. Children and women in Africa and Asia.
Characterizes Service: Providing sustainable ways to get clean water to people who cannot access it in over 27 countries. They provide an online service for anyone to be able to start their own organization. Online learning center with videos, audio, classroom materials, and even games.
Positive Results: Their work has had a positive impact on women, children, education, health, diet & nutrition, and family life for different communities in those 27 countries. Their online learning service makes it easy for the public to learn about water issues, even in a fun way.
Differ: They reach out to more countries then Drink Local, Drink Tap does. Their learning services are online and they have fun games so children can learn in a fun way. They provide sanitation and hygiene services to these communities, not just fresh water.
Donors/volunteers: They reach out to their donors, and audience by social media, fundraising, and marketing. They give their audience the responsibility to make their own organization if they please.

Charity: Water

Their Brand: Simplistic, organized, clean, complementary, visually pleasing, appealing, info graphics.
Audience: The public, donors, and participates
Characterizes Service: Providing clean water for countries all over the world. They allow you to make a profile and begin your own project/campaigns with them (Ex. The birthday project, you give up gifts on your birthday and donate to water project to help others).
Positive Results: Their services provide clean water to those in need. They allow people to make their own projects, which make them feel they are making a bigger impact.
Differ: A big part of their organization is allowing people to make their own projects and campaigns in order to raise money for Charity: Water. They also travel to many countries to solve water problems.
Donors/Participates: The organization makes their donors and participates an important role in their funds for better the water issues.

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